About Amikers

Welcome to Amikers!

Amikers is a platform where hobbyists / makers / indie technologists earn passive income by showcasing their ideas to the world! It is a place for a creative mind who has an idea to share! The rewards are crypto assets i.e. matic coins and digital art NFTs (Amikers-exclusive) on the Polygon and Ethereum blockchains. Let's strive to inspire our community and spread the culture of innovation!

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How it works

  • Create an account to begin!
  • Once logged in, you will be directed to the main newsfeed page which is called The Daily Lightbulbs. This is the page where you can see all columns published by other columnists.
  • Lit columns that you like!
  • Peruse through the columns in The Daily Lightbulbs and Lit the ones that you think is interesting!

    You have 2 options for Lit'ing up a column:

    1. Ordinary Lit: An Ordinary Lit is free and shows your appreciation for the column.

    2. Supercharged Lit: A Supercharged Lit shows great appreciation for the column by donating 1 matic to the creator(s), and in exchange, enters a lottery to win an Amikers-exclusive digital art NFT (20% winning chance). Clicking on the Supercharged Lit button will prompt you to approve the transaction of 1 matic through your crypto wallet (i.e. Metamask).

    Popular columns with significant amount of Lits (Ordinary and Supercharged combined) will get on the SUPER COLUMNS for 2 days.

    Very popular columns with more than significant amount of Lits (Ordinary and Supercharged combined) will be immortalized in the HALL OF FAME forever.

    NOTE: If using a browser on Desktop, just make sure that you enabled only 1 wallet extension as it can cause conflict. For example, don't have both Metamask and Coinbase Wallet extensions running at the same time.
  • Receive Amikers-exclusive digital art NFT awards and move up the ranks!
  • All users who sign up will be awarded a starting digital art NFT by entering in a Metamask wallet address (or other Ethereum wallet address that accepts NFTs) under My Profile. As the users publish more columns and receive more Lits, they will move up the ranks and receive iconic digital art NFT awards that represent the ranks.

    Additionally, users can receive mystery NFTs by Supercharged Lit'ing columns. It doesn't happen all the time, but if you get lucky, you will get a notification that you received an NFT! When columns get on the SUPER COLUMNS, and subsequently, the HALL OF FAME, both the columnists and the users who lit the columns (both Ordinary and Supercharged) will receive additional mystery NFTs. Awarded NFTs are either on the Polygon or the Ethereum network. You can check by logging into Opensea.io with your digital wallet.

    All Amikers NFTs will be from 2 collections: "AmikersNFT_Common" and "AmikersNFT_Rare". You can safely assume that it is NOT an Amikers NFT if you don't see one of these collection names.

    WARNING: There are many scammers, especially on the Polygon network. If you don't know the source of an NFT you received for free, please DO NOT transfer, sell, destroy, or any action that interacts with the unknown NFT's contract!! Scammers can have access to your wallet if you interact with the unknown NFT!! It is safest to just leave it in the "hidden" section on Opensea.io.
  • Become a columnist!
  • Content creators are called "columnists". To participate as a columnist, you must first request to be one under the My Columns section. Once you become a columnist, you can start posting ideas / inventions and receive matic for every Lit!
  • That's basically it! There are many more features to check out such as following other columnists, translations, and AI Assistant for programming code, so feel free to click around!

    Join the creator community by creating an account now! Create Account

    Time to showcase ideas and earn passive income!

  • "The value of an idea lies in the using of it." - Thomas Edison


  • How can I report any issues I might have?
  • Please direct all issues and questions to support@amikers.com, and we will try to respond as soon as possible.
  • What is Polygon Matic?
  • Polygon Matic is the standard cryptocurrency on the Polygon main network. Polygon is a layer 2 scaling solution (sidechain) on the Ethereum blockchain which allows speedy transactions and low transaction fees. Matic can be converted into USD. Exchange rate has been about 1 MATIC = $1.00, recently (approximately 1:1 ratio).
  • How can I purchase Polygon Matic?
  • There are a few ways to purchase Polygon Matic.

    1. Purchase through an exchange (e.g. Coinbase, etc.): After purchasing matic through an exchange, send the matic to your Metamask wallet address.

    2. Purchase through Metamask wallet: Metamask offers ways to directly purchase cryptocurrency from the wallet.
  • How can I sell Polygon Matic?
  • A convenient way to sell matic is by first transferring the matic in your Metamask wallet into the MATIC wallet of your exchange (e.g. Coinbase, etc.).

    For example, if you are using Coinbase ("Coinbase.com" not "Coinbase Wallet"), there is a "Send & Receive" button at the top of the screen. After pressing on it, press on the "Receive" tab, and then change the asset to "Polygon". You will see an Ethereum wallet address starting with "0x" under "MATIC address (Polygon)". Use this address to send matic from your Metamask wallet to your Coinbase's MATIC wallet. Once it's in the MATIC wallet, sell it for cash within Coinbase, then withdraw to your bank account.

    NOTE: Do not send anything other than matic to Coinbase's MATIC wallet address. It will NOT recognize these other assets and may get lost forever.
  • What exactly is an NFT?
  • An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is simply a certificate of ownership of a digital asset. It is a JSON file that states the link to the image and other related information about the image. When you receive an Amikers NFT award, the certificate of ownership of the digital art is sent to your digital wallet, i.e. Metamask wallet, and this transaction is recorded on the blockchain. A record on the blockchain proves that you own the digital art because it is an immutable record. There is no way of changing any record on the blockchain (unless somehow somebody ends up controlling over 50% of all blockchain computing power, which is unlikely). You can see your transaction hash in "Notifications" which can be used to view the transaction details on either Etherscan or Polygonscan.
  • How do I view my NFT in my Metamask wallet?
  • All NFTs obtained on Amikers can be easily accessed via My NFT Awards button in My Profile page.

    For all others, the best way to view your NFTs is throgh Opensea.io. When you are in Opensea, click on "Login", and then your Metamask wallet from the menu. Once you successfully linked your wallet with Opensea, click on your Profile at the top right. Because the NFT was transferred and not purchased, Opensea automatically hides the item due to security reasons. To unhide, click on "More", and then "Hidden". Once you are in "Hidden", scroll over the NFT then click on the 3 dots, and then click "Unhide".

    You can also view the NFTs directly through the Metamask app by manually importing the NFT or enabling the "Autodetect NFTs" option. If you'd like to manually import the NFTs, make sure you are in either Ethereum or Polygon network, click on the "NFTs" tab, then "Import NFT". Input the Contract Address which can be viewed by clicking on the NFT on Opensea, and then clicking on "Details". You will also see the Token ID under "Details". After inputting both the Contract Address and the Token ID, click on "Import".

    To autodetect NFTs, click on the 3 dots on the top right of your Metamask wallet, and then "Settings". Then, click on "Security & privacy", then scroll down to toggle on the "Autodetect NFTs" option. However, this autodetect function may not work for Polygon Mainnet.
  • What can I do with my NFTs?
  • The NFT that you received from Amikers is yours, so feel free to do whatever you want!

    You can hang it on the wall via a NfT display frame! It could serve as a reminder of your accomplishments!

    You can sell it on Opensea!

    You can gift it to someone!

    You can hold it in your wallet to exchange it for a merchandise via Amikers Store (coming soon) and additional rewards in the future!
  • Can I access Amikers from a mobile device?
  • Yes! Amikers can be accessed from a mobile web browser on iOS and Android. We recommend using the built-in browser within the Metamask Wallet app. Native mobile web browsers do not currently support Web3 capabilities, so you might run into certain functions not working properly.